Employment at Melway

Melway also advertises with seek.com.au

The Melway Group is a dynamic organisation with an iconic brand in the marketplace. We ensure that our products are of the highest quality and therefore pride ourselves in employing the best people for the job. We are an equal opportunity employer with job roles ranging from traineeships or graduates to Spatial professionals. Watch this space for positions as they become available or feel free to submit your CV if you believe you would be suited to our organisation.

There are currently no vacant positions available however the following are the types of roles that exist within the organisation.

  • CAD Graduate
  • CAD Team Member
  • CAD Team Leader
  • CAD Manager
  • Cartographic Editor
  • Cartographic Researcher
  • Channel Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Receptionist
  • IT Manager
  • Financial Controller
  • Sales Manager
  • Project Manager – Customised Mapping

If you are as passionate about mapping as we are and believe you would be suited to our organsiation, please submit your resume for us to keep on file. All applications should be made via email to Recruitment@ausway.com or to the Human Resources Manager at our postal address in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane.

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